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Healthy eating habits in children: How to encourage them

Raising children can be a stressful experience, but it is also one of the most rewarding. Parents want their children to be as healthy and happy as possible. Instilling healthy eating practices in your child from an early age is a part of ensuring their health.

This is much easier said than accomplished! This is especially true if your child is a picky one. Find creative ways to encourage your children to eat healthy. This will help them make better food choices when they are older and more independent.

Innovative Ways to Motivate Kids to Eat Healthy
Innovative approaches may be needed to encourage your children to eat healthier. There are many strategies that you can use to help your children develop healthier eating habits.


Serve a Variety of Foods with Each Meal
Each food group should appear on the child’s plate at each meal. Each meal should include a serving each of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and carbohydrates. You should offer a new food to your child even if they don’t like it the first time. According to research, a child might need to taste a food 8-15 different times before he or she likes it.

Avoid Forcing Meal Consumption
Parents often follow a philosophy where they don’t allow their children to leave the table until their plate is cleared. This is done in good faith, but it can lead to children eating even when they are already full. Overeating can lead to weight gain and obesity later in life.

It is better to include the child in the food preparation process. Ask the child how much they think they will be able to eat of each item, then serve them based on that estimate. This will eventually teach children intuitive eating habits and portion control.

Avoid Forbidden Foods
It may not be wise to make certain foods like candy or cookies completely forbidden in your home. If these foods are served in an outdoor setting like a class or a friend’s home, children may overeat them.

Teach them that these foods can be eaten in small portions and are healthy as a treat.

A mindful, creative and thoughtful approach to teaching your children healthy habits will help them in the long run. When it comes to food in general, don’t force your children to do anything. Instead, encourage them to eat healthy and show them how to eat well.

It is important to teach your child healthy eating habits early on. This will help them throughout their life!

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