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Addiction Recovery: Overcoming Anxiety

Mental health issues such as anxiety take time to resolve. Even though you are in a supportive and respectful environment, you may still feel nervous around new people. You may still feel judged at times.
You may experience persistent sweating, restlessness and difficulty concentrating. Other symptoms include headaches, tension or edginess, as well as fatigue, insomnia, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. Generalized anxiety disorder is diagnosed in several people.

What is Anxiety?
Anxiety can be a natural reaction to stress. Anxiety helps us recognize danger, prepare for it and concentrate on specific situations. Anxiety disorders are different from normal physical worries and apprehensions. They involve excessive anxiety or fear.

Fear and anxiety often feed off one another. Anxiety is an emotional reaction to a perceived future threat. It’s characterized by increased muscle tension, avoidance behaviors and heightened awareness. Fear is a reaction to an immediate threat. It is associated more with the fight or flight response.


People with anxiety disorders often avoid things that could trigger their symptoms or make them worse. The performance at work, school or in personal relationships may be affected.

It’s important to talk with your doctor or therapist if you feel overwhelmed. It is important to keep your treatment team informed about any signs that you may be experiencing emotional or mental distress. These tips may also help you manage your anxiety.

Consider Therapy
therapy is helpful for many and can also help you deal with your anxiety. There are many treatment options, including online tools. It’s all about finding the right one for you.

Get Moving
Exercise is not just good for our bodies, it’s also great for our minds. When you exercise, neurotransmitters that promote happiness and well-being are released in your brain. You can use these elements to break your brain’s pessimistic cycle and develop a positive mindset.

Exercise can also help you build confidence and become more comfortable in social situations, especially if you are using a gym or an exercise class. It will also add another coping technique to your arsenal.

Consider Aromatherapy
Lavender essential oil helps the body respond to stress. It also reduces anxiety, lowers heart rate and promotes relaxation. Many people breathe in deeply for 30 second after adding a few drops of lavender to their hands or diffusing it.

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