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What causes night blindness?

You can’t see clearly at night, or in dim lighting, such as in a movie theater or restaurant. This is usually caused by a lack of ability to adapt quickly to a less-lit environment. Night blindness can be mistaken for a disease. However, it is actually an indication of a retinal problem.

How does the eye normally respond to low or no light?

Your pupils will expand when there is not enough light or no light at all. This allows more light to enter your eyes. Dilation is what this means. This light is then picked up by the retina, the tissue at the back of your eyes that contains the rod and con cell. Cone cells allow you to see color. Rod cells can help you see in the dark. These rods can become less effective due to disease, injury or other conditions. This makes it harder to see in low or no light.


What causes night blindness?

You can have night blindness for a number of reasons. Your ophthalmologist will be able to narrow down your specific cause. You will receive a thorough examination and they may also order specialized tests and images to determine the cause of your night blindness. Possible causes include:

  • Nearsighted eyesight
  • Glaucoma medication
  • Cataracts
  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Diabetes

Can Night Blindness Be Treated?

The cause of your night blindness will determine how you treat it. It may be necessary to get new glasses or change your glaucoma medication. You may need to have surgery if cataracts is the cause.

Treatment will depend on the type of retinal disorder you have. A retina specialist will be needed to treat this condition. Night blindness cannot be treated at home. You should seek medical advice to ensure that the right treatment is given if necessary.

Can Night Blindness Be Prevented

Try the following to help prevent night blindness: Try these tips to prevent night blindness in :

Eat foods with vitamin A: carrots, cantaloupes, butternut squash, spinach, milk, and eggs are all good suppliers of vitamin A.

Regular eye exams are important: Visit an eye doctor regularly so that they can detect any problems as early as possible.

Wear shades: Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun. UV rays increase your risk of cataracts, macular disease, and glaucoma.

Exercise: You may have fewer eye problems if you exercise. It could lower blood pressure and sugar levels.

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