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What are microbreaks?

Many businesses encourage microbreaks for good causes. The body is an intricate machine that can do many things. If used without a break, the body may become worn out. The sleep we get at night helps us to fill that void, as it resets our bodies and revives our energy. But what about the rest of the day?

Microbreaks: Four advantages

Microbreaks can be a great way to reset your mind and body. In just a few minutes, you can see a dramatic increase in your productivity. Microbreaks have four main benefits, according to research.


Microbreaks Make Concentration Easy

Our ability to focus quickly decreases without rest or breaks. According to research, allowing people to take short pauses increases their ability to sustain attention.

Also, people who take frequent microbreaks are more likely to complete tasks with greater consistency and make fewer mistakes.

Microbreaks Erase Tension

Stress reduces our productivity. Stress makes work harder. This disrupts our ability to concentrate and makes us more prone to errors.

Stress can also negatively impact employee morale and professional relationships. Stress can also affect how satisfied employees are with their job.

Microbreaks make people happier

Happiness is the main factor in increasing productivity. When we are happy, things seem simpler. Workers who are happy tend to be less prone to argue, more productive, independent, and a pleasure to work with. According to research, microbreaks directly increase worker productivity.

Microbreaks Help in Injury Prevention

Lower back pain can be very common, especially as you age. More than 80% of the population will experience back pain. Back pain is a common complaint among these people. Our muscles suffer from long periods of inactivity.

Work Microbreaks: How to Use them

The microbreaks are not enough. These breaks should be used effectively.

Four activities can be performed during a microbreak.

Create a pattern of “Stand, Sit and Stretch”

According to a research from Cornell University the sit-stand stretch pattern is the most efficient way to organize your work.

The workday can be divided into three cycles of 30 minutes each. Each cycle is divided into three 30-minute cycles: 20 minutes sitting, 8 minutes standing, and 2 minutes standing and moving (including stretching and walking).

Stretching is as simple as going for a short walk or performing some yoga poses that target the lower back. This study highlights the importance to maintain good posture while standing or sitting.

The Microbreak 20/20/20

should look away from the screen at least 20 inches every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. This simple habit reduces the eyestrain that is common in today’s digital world.

Many people constantly switch between laptops, tablets, TVs and phones. Reduce eye strain instead by occasionally looking away.

Rest Your Mind

The amount of information that our brain can hold at one time is limited. According research, the rate at which our ability to complete tasks improves over time diminishes. After 90 minutes, productivity drops. Breaks allow us to regain our focus and prevent mental fog.

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