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What Zinc Does for Your Immune System

Our immune system is the first line in defense against diseases. It is important to provide our bodies with essential nutrients for optimal immune function. Zinc is one of the key nutrients.

What is Zinc?
Zinc is only a trace element, meaning that humans need very little of it each day. A balanced diet is enough to provide the daily recommended serving of Zinc for most people. Zinc is essential for a variety of bodily functions including wound healing, thyroid function, insulin production, storage and immune system.

Zinc can also improve common colds, diarrhea and age-related cataracts when taken regularly as a dietary supplement.


Zinc-rich foods
Zinc is naturally found in many popular foods. Zinc-rich foods include:

  • Oysters
  • Crab
  • Lobster
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Nuts, whole grains
  • Dairy Products
  • Breakfast cereals, for example, are rich in iron.

Zinc is an essential mineral that most people consume in small amounts. Zinc levels decrease as we age. Some older people decide to take Zinc supplements. You can also use Zicam, a zinc-enhanced remedy, to reduce the duration of your cold.

Zinc is a trace mineral essential to most people’s diet. Zinc may be needed as we age. Zinc is also used in larger quantities to reduce nausea or relieve colds more quickly. You can eat foods that are high in zinc if you worry you don’t eat enough. You can also speak to a health professional and have your bloodwork done.

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